
The main sealing materials we produce/sell today are:

Laost saadaval lehtmaterjalid: KUMMID ja PLASTID

EPDM (ethylene-propylene-diene monomer) cellular rubber, self-adhesive or non-adhesive

PE (polyethylene) foam, self-adhesive or non-adhesive

PE foam and PVC foam, with double-sided adhesive (double-sided tapes)

PVC foam, self-adhesive

Expandable PU (polyurethane) foam, self-adhesive

Neoprene-foam rubber, self-adhesive or non-adhesive

Butyl (synthetic) rubber

Most of the aforementioned materials can also be used to produce sealing tapes according to the customer's desired order dimensions (width). Since the application scope of the materials is very broad depending on various physical and mechanical properties, different materials can be used for the same purpose depending on specific needs, suitability, or customer preferences.

The average values of the properties and durability indicators of the materials have been achieved and measured using certain methods and in average environmental conditions and are therefore informative in nature. The suitability of sealants and sealing tapes for certain purposes is determined by the consumer themselves, as several factors independent of the source material manufacturer and the Fixus Trade OÜ affect the use and performance of the products, including installation and usage conditions, operational duration, and environmental conditions, which can only be known and controlled by the user.

Vajadustele vastava parima sobiva toote kasuks otsustamisel on kindlasti abiks ka toodete põhiliste kasutusvaldkondade kirjeldused, mis aga ei välista nende kasutamist ka muul, kasutajale sobival otstarbel ja kohas.